Pixel Font Maker 2.x Online Help

Character Editor Panel

Here you can edit the character: edit the pixels, change character's height, width, etc.

Click the image to view large size.

Character Editor
Marquee to select pixels
Shift Up one row
Pencil to draw pixel
Shift Left one column
Shift Down one row
Shift Right one column
Font Information
Font Height: Insert a row at the top of the font
Delete a row at the top of the font
Insert a row at the bottom of the font
Delete a row at the bottom of the font
Baseline: Increase font baseline
Decrease font baseline
Character Information
Width: Insert a column at the left side of the character
Delete a column from the left side of the character
Insert a column at the right side of the character
Delete a column from the right side of the character
Height: Insert a row at the top of this character
Delete a row at the top of this character
Insert a row at the bottom of this character
Delete a row at the bottom of this character
X-Position: Increase X position of this character
Decrease X position of this character
Cursor Dist: Increase cursor distance of this character
Decrease cursor distance of this character

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