LCD Bitmap Converter 2.0 Online Help


Open... Open an image
Save As... save the image as a Windows bitmap file (*.bmp)
Convert to... Convert the image to "C" file or other format.
Convert Settings... Settings before converting
Undo Undo the last editing
Redo Redo the last editing
Copy Copy the image into Windows clipboard
Paste Paste the image into LCD Bitmap Converter from Windows clipboard
Transparency... Set the image Transparency. (for emWin version only)
Convert to > Convert the image to compatible format.
Flip > Mirror the image Vertically or Horizontally.
Rotate > Rotate the image 90, 180, 270 degree.
Invert > Invert the image via Index or Color
Image Size... Change the image size.
Toolbar Show or hide the Toolbar.
Status Bar Show or hide the Status Bar.
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About... About LCD Bitmap Converter.

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